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Find peace and inspiration with MusiCure
Subscribe to MusiCureStream
30 days free trial

Over 35 hours of evidence-based original music and films with natural atmospheres.

MusiCure is created by Inge and Niels Eje and developed on the basis of over 20 years of experience and scientific research within the health and care sector.

The MusiCure Stream subscription gives access to streaming of 8 different channels with specially produced programs:
Music - Films with nature - Procedure programs - An 8 hour Night/sleep channel

  • Private subscription: Targeted at both private users, independent practitioners and clinics.
  • Costs: EUR 14 per month without commitment.
  • Passwords will be sent per email when subscription has been completed.
  • Subscription can be canceled at any time via self-service, or by email to:
  • See link below: 'Cancel subscription'
  • Institutional subscription: MusiCure Stream subscriptions for Institutions, hospital departments and care centers are specially created for each department/institution according to wishes and needs, also as EAN order in Denmark.
  • Contact us for a price offer at